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- Anglerklause Restaurant | Angelverein-Pruem
The Anglerklause at the Willwerath reservoir The Anglerklause is located on the east side of the reservoir. The club home of the Angel Club Prüm 1967 eV, built in 1973, is open on many Sundays during the fishing season and is a popular destination not only for anglers but also for hikers and guests of all kinds. A list of open Sundays can be found below. Visit us at the reservoir - the hut is open from 10:00. The Anglerklause can also be rented for private parties / events, on request with service and catering - space for up to 40 people in the interior and for another 20 on the terrace - our hut keeper will be happy to answer your questions. Eel.png Salmo trutta fario Brown Trout.png (Salmo trutta fario) Bream.png chub.png Grass carp.png pike.png Roach.png Rudd.png Tench.png Tiny Carp.png Mirror Carp.png Zander.png Der Zander (Sander lucioperca) wird maximal etwa 120 cm lang und etwa 20 kg schwer. Der Zander ist ein Süßwasserfisch der Gattung Sander aus der Familie der Echten Barsche (Percidae). Er ist in den Binnengewässern Mittel- und Osteuropas weit verbreitet. Früher reichte sein Verbreitungsgebiet östlich der Elbe über Osteuropa bis zum Aralsee. Im letzten Jahrhundert wurde der Zander auch westlich der Elbe eingebürgert. Er lebt einzeln oder in kleinen Schwärmen und bevorzugt im Gegensatz zum Hecht das uferferne Freiwasser. Der Zander bevorzugt größere, durch Plankton getrübte Fließgewässer (auch stehende Gewässer wie Teiche oder Seen) mit festen Untergründen. Der Zander lebt überwiegend im Süßwasser, kommt aber auch in Brackwasserbereichen (Flussmündungen) der Ostsee vor. Normalerweise lebt dieser Raubfisch bodennah in Wassertiefen von 3 bis 5 Metern, wo er an markanten Bodenformationen (Felsen, Vertiefungen) oder an Spundwänden auf Beute lauert. Bei klarem Wasser zieht sich der Zander in tiefere Wasserschichten zurück. Dank einer reflektierenden Pigmentschicht im Auge (Glasauge) kann der Zander nachts sehr gut sehen. So findet er seine Beute auch bei sehr schwachem Licht. Die Verbreitung des Zanders wird durch Besatzmaßnahmen und die Schaffung von Laichplätzen unterstützt. Bei Sportanglern ist der sehr scheue Zander ein beliebter Zielfisch. Bevorzugte Stellen für den Zanderfang sind z.B. Spundwände, Vertiefungen oder erhöhte Bodenformationen.
- Tagesscheine / Ausgabestellen | Angelverein-Pruem
Permits ... and where to get them If you want to go fishing with us, you need a valid federal fishing license and a corresponding permit. In addition to the possibility of obtaining these online from Hejfisch, you can also buy notes on site. You can get day and weekend tickets here during the season: Anglerklause at the reservoir When the hut is open, the roster can be found here: Profi Müller - fur and paw Dausfeld industrial park Jakob-Fugger-Strasse 9 opening hours Mon-Fri: 8.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. Sa .: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. With bait shop, extensive selection of fishing tackle and accessories in the pet department of the market bft gas station Prüm Ritzstrasse 23 opening hours Mon-Sun: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Day tickets 13, - € Weekend tickets € 24 Feeding is prohibited, with the exception of the feeder basket / feeder rod Season for guest anglers - Sunday after March 15th until the Sunday before October 15th one year. The statutory closed periods and minimum dimensions as well as the regulations on the permit apply. The inspectors and club members appointed by the Prüm angling club must be presented with the papers on request and / or verified via smartphone! DUE TO FLOOD DAMAGE, THE BFT CURRENTLY CANCELED
- Hatchery | Angelverein-Pruem
Our "nursery" The hatchery Return From the Brunnenstube to the hatchery Load More .... after the renovation After the extensive renovation work in 2008, during which the dilapidated floor and ceiling were renewed, in the following years the complete water supply, water enrichment, and filtering and the entire electrical installation were brought up to date, the hatchery is equipped with additional breeding channels, holding tanks and one unique, experimental electrostatic hatcher ready for the future. Time travel to 2006 - functional but shaky. In the meantime getting old and the growing number of eggs no longer growing, it was time to change something. Extensive work was required to ensure that our water attendants were able to offer a better and safer workplace for the complex and time-consuming brood care. The wooden planks were dangerously slippery and sometimes fragile - light was only donated by a weak, outdated neon tube in the dark winter months. For the breeding season 2007/2008 this should be a thing of the past. After many hours of voluntary work and with the help of donations from the RWE, the "new" hatchery was handed over to the water body on time. Before the breeding ground of our "Eifeler brown trout" had moved to the hatchery in the early 90s, there was the Brunnenstube. The Brunnenstube is located about 2 km from today's hatchery. The spring water collected here used to supply drinking water. However, since the line dates from before World War I and therefore no longer meets today's drinking water production standards, it was made available to the association. So it happened that the first offspring were bred in this 1.2 m wide, 3 m deep and 2.4 m high shaft in 2 breeding channels. About 7 rungs of a rusty ladder were used to get into the shaft, to sort out dead eggs in the light of a flashlight and later to take care of the seedlings. The Brunnenstube is a bit "off the beaten path" so that it was actually not reasonable to do the brood service alone in winter, at a time when the cell phone was still a dream of the future. The logical consequence - the hatchery - which made life a lot easier at the time, is now a presentable hatchery. Unfortunately, we do not have any pictures from this period. The photos of the Brunnenstube shown here date from 2015. At that time there was a decline in the water supply in the hatchery, which was due to the leaking pipework in the Brunnenstube. This dates from the early 90s and can be seen in the pictures. Below again the plant in the brood house 2017 in direct comparison to the Brunnenstube - It clearly shows the long way we have taken since the beginning of the project. A path that we can rightly be proud of. Here the hatchery in 1994. It shows Erhard Nieder and Klaus Abels fishing off the seedlings. These were placed in the fountain room for the last time in 1993 and later (spring 94) transported to the incubator. It was then completely finished in 1995 with the completion of the plastering work. For the next 13 years, the system served the association well and paved the way for more than 2 million small brown trout to escape. Today, 14 years after the renovation, we are already over 4 million and there is still no end in sight.
- Beginning | Angelverein-Pruem
The beginning Conservation on behalf of the State of Rhineland-Pfalz Return Artificial reproduction of the "Eifeler brown trout" The fishing association Prüm 1967 eV has been actively protecting species in the form of the offspring of the "Eifel brook trout" since 1991. The University of Mainz (Prof. Dr. Alfred Seitz) carried out the first genetic studies on the importance of the regional brown trout population. When creating a population genetic profile of the "Eifeler brown trout" by Prof. Dr. Arndt Schreiber and Dr. Michael Riffel from Heidelberg University, it turned out that the "Eifel brook trout" - if not different from that of the Rhine catchment area - formed the most homogeneous group of all trout in the Rhine catchment area. In the years that followed, the Prüm Fishing Association 1967 eV stripped many thousands of trout eggs from as many varieties of brown trout as possible from wild stocks and released the trout seedlings it yielded into several previously damaged Eifel streams to preserve the "Eifel brown trout" at a young age. For this purpose, a specially built hatchery is operated, which is fed with 6 ° C cold, surface-independent water. Regular surveys of the populations of the occupied streams have shown that these measures, which are very time-consuming and labor-intensive for the fishing club Prüm 1967 eV, are crowned with success, since the wild brown trout are very true to location and reproduce particularly well. In this way, a self-reproducing stock could be established in many small streams. This is mainly due to the fact that only regional animals are used for breeding - autochthonous stocking - which means that the seedlings are already optimally adapted to their "new" environment through their genetic heritage. The biggest hurdle that stood in the way of breeding success were the scattered, partly unsafe ponds that were leased by the association. At this point, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. This included the work in the species conservation project "Eifeler brown trout and river pearl mussel" and as a result the construction of the later pond system "In der Litzer". This contract has existed for more than 25 years and has now led the association to international activity. In addition to the alliance partners in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, the EU life project river pearl mussel, in particular the "Hellef fir d'Natur" in Heinerscheid, also benefit from the work of the association. More about our colleagues from Our at: www.margaritifera.eu
- Prümbach | Angelverein-Pruem
Angeln in der Prümbach Fließgewässer befischen beim AV Prüm In der Saison 2024 öffnen wir einen Teil unserer Fließgewässerstrecken für die Fischereiliche-Nutzung durch unsere Mitglieder als auch durch Gastangler. Zur Zeit sind wir noch mit der Erfassung der Bestände und der Erstellung der Hegepläne beschäftigt, das Hochwasser 2021 hat die Fischbestände in der Eifel nachhaltig geschädigt und stellt viele Vereine vor große Herausforderungen. Alle Neuigkeiten zum Thema werden hier veröffentlicht.
- Anglerklause - Restaurant | Angelverein-Pruem
angler's cottage Anglerklause guest room Anglerklause - workshop - parking lot
- Solar-Power-Plant "In der Litzer" | Angelverein-Pruem
Photovoltaic "In the Lizard" 360° tour Due to the dry summer months and the low rainfall, sometimes in the fall, it is sometimes necessary to supply the pond system with water in circulation, for this the use of pumps and pond aerators is essential - which, however, require energy. Initially, this was generated by units that were only needed for a short time, but when an increasingly long-lasting cycle operation was necessary, another solution had to be found. The So it happened that the first efforts in 2013 to electrify the system using photovoltaic modules were undertaken to ensure regenerative cycle operation. In 2014, a revised project planning provided for an open area elevation with 20 kWhp output and its own operating building to house and maintain the technology. Various regional companies took part in the tender. Financing could also be drawn up by the end of 2014. Only the approval process dragged on until spring 2016. After further official hurdles, the construction work began with the civil engineering work and foundation laying from August 2016. The system is currently being expanded and since July 2017 the PV system has been supplying the pond system with energy. After the automation is complete, the system is controlled by a PLC for optimal use of the generated energy. gallery Current plant performance The PV system is configured as an island system - so it has no connection to the local power grid - so the pond system "In der Litzer" is 100% self-sufficient. The operating building supplies the field distributors at each pond with energy and compressed air. The circulation pumps convey over 100,000 liters / hour from pond 5 into the inlet trench via the underground DN110 pump lines. At the same time, the coolness of the earth lowers the water temperature while it is being pumped through the pipes.
- About the Club | Angelverein-Pruem
Founded in 1967, the association has been located at the Willwerath reservoir since 1971, where the club's home, the "Anglerklause", is also located. For more than 50 years we have always tried to offer our members and guest anglers a wide range of local species for fishing. Whether it is predatory fish such as pike, pikeperch, perch, brook trout and eel or fried fish such as scale carp, mirror carp, tench, bream and roach, there should be something for everyone. However, we are particularly proud of the original "Eifel brown trout" from our own offspring, the preservation of which has become a main goal of the association. So in 1991 it came about that, in close cooperation with the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, we run the species conservation project "Eifeler brown trout and river pearl mussel" - two species whose survival is inextricably linked. Our brood house and the pond “In der Litzer”, specially built for this purpose, enable successful breeding in natural ponds to expose the trout in streams in the region and thus also to redistribute the pearl mussel. Another important focus is to give young anglers and those who want to become an easy entry into this interesting hobby. For example, we organize a youth camp for our club youth and interested parties and, provided there are enough participants, we endeavor to have courses for obtaining the federal fishing license held in the Anglerklause. Visit us at the Willwerath reservoir and learn more about the diverse possibilities that the fishing club Prüm 1967 eV offers you as an angler and nature lover.
- Willwerath artificial lake | Angelverein-Pruem
Club lake Artificial Lake Willwerath 360° tour Since 1971, the Willwerath reservoir with 1.62 ha of water has been the club water of the Prüm 1967 eV fishing association, which in addition to the regular restocking measures, also takes care of the maintenance work around the lake. In addition to large predators such as pike and pikeperch, the reservoir is naturally populated with original "Eifel brook trout" and is one of the few lakes in the region in which the rainbow trout has not found its way. Perches and eels are also part of the local biodiversity. The reservoir offers the coarse angler the opportunity to fish both mirror and scale carp. Roaches, chubs and bream may be taken without limitation. The statutory closed seasons and minimum dimensions apply to all other types. Fishing permits can be purchased on Sundays with the hut open (see hut services) or at our issuing offices in Prüm: water quality daily tickets arrival Weather at the reservoir
- Silent Remembrance | Angelverein-Pruem
In silent memory of our deceased friends The most beautiful monument that a person can get is in the hearts of those around them. Friedrich G. Conzen *22.05.1946 † 24.09.2022 Karl Heinz Schmidt *05.04.1954 † 11.01.2022 Martin Hillen *08/12/1969 † 09/13/2021 Herbert Schneider *31. 10. 1950 † 21.10.2020 Klaus Diederich *31. 12. 1970 † 11/24/2017 Erhard Nieder *13. 01. 1942 † 05/15/2015
- Pondsystem "In der Litzer" | Angelverein-Pruem
Pondsystem "In der Litzer" Main access at pond 5 Plateau pond 1 - 4, inlet ditch and photovoltaic system
- Electricfishing | Angelverein-Pruem
Electric fishing ...what is inside?!? E-fishing is not a method for the lazy angler to recreate the animals, but the most gentle method to get an overview of the species spectrum of a body of water. The exercise is only permitted for appropriately trained persons and also requires official approval for each fishing operation. The devices used are subject to inspection by the TÜV or a qualified electrician at specified intervals and are constantly maintained by us in order to largely exclude hazards . But electric fishing is exactly what it sounds like - electric current flows through the water - which is always potentially dangerous, especially if you wade through the water. However, if you want to manage / maintain a body of water, e-fishing is the most tried and tested means of checking the stock - fish monitoring - in order to plan further measures based on this. In addition to monitoring, e-fishing is also used to catch spawning fish, for purposes of scientific research, to resettle fish during construction work and to determine the extent of fish death. Fish that fall into the effective range of a catchable field are temporarily deprived of the ability to swim in a targeted manner and can then be removed with landing nets. If used properly, the fish will not be harmed and will be back to full agility and vitality within a very short time - usually immediately after switching off the field. In principle (without wanting to go into too much detail) there are two methods of e-fishing related to the way the devices work, that of methods with pulse or direct current. Due to the lower energy consumption, the pulse current method allows a longer distance to be fished because the battery cell is less stressed, but has a higher scaring effect. The direct current method offers the advantage of a more targeted swimming movement towards the anode (the positive pole) - thus the fish can be steered towards a by-catcher in the field, which then catches them. Disadvantages are the higher energy requirements due to the direct current field and any difficulties in "keeping" larger fish. The safe nursery In order to give our small brown trout a good starting position for their start into the wild, we also use e-fishing. In small streams on gravel banks and somewhat deeper pools with enough hiding places, we release our little brown trout to freedom. But even in these small streams, predators are lurking. So that we do not set the table for them, we have to move them now. Locations are targeted where trout can be found that can be dangerous for the little ones. These are then removed, fed to breeding or reintroduced further down the river. This gives the small trout enough time to get used to it and to find hiding places. Because the fish that are released further down rise again in the water. In this way, the loss of broodlings can be somewhat limited and new breeding-fish can be obtained at the same time. The wildlings obtained in this stream are characterized by their rich colors with bright yellow bellies and the sharply defined drawing. After the brook piece has been searched with the e-net, the little ones can move in. As mentioned at the beginning, e-fishing is also used for stock control. The pictures shown here were taken during fishing at the end of April, so minnows were found that had their spawning rash, bullheads, loaches as well as brook lamprey that had already spawned - therefore areas with fine sediment were left out - there are ailerons to be expected (larval stage of the brook lamprey) . Here are the minnows - the male in the spawning dress, to his left 2 "fat" females almost ready to spawn and in the next picture a loach.